Fear the Death (First Preview)

Fear the Death (First Preview)

Designed and Developed by Princess Victoria. “FEAR the death” is an action shooting computer game developed by Princess Victoria.


“FEAR the death” is an action shooting computer game developed by Princess Victoria.  The game is a stealth-based first-person shooter (Hindi Language with English Subtitles). 
This is the first Indian game developed for PC and Laptop.
The game is based on the afterlife story of a soldier. When he died he found that he is in a wonderland where he has to face dead people (Featured as Zombies). To save himself he must kill all the zombies and enter the castle for the next level. The game has 3 levels where the player has to compete with strategies in each level. 
Level 1  Wonder Land
Level 2   Break in Space 
Level 3  The Machinist
Being the 1st Indian game Infinity has kept only three levels the more levels will be added as the story goes forward.

Developer & Publisher    Princess Victoria
Platform(s)                  Microsoft Windows / Mac OS
Release    December, 2017
Genre(s)    Action   
Mode(s)    Single player

Website    www.princesvictoria.com
Download from- https://vikash-kumar.itch.io/fear-the-death